Investment Analysis
Valuation and Transaction Analysis of an Emerging Market Company
In this comprehensive analysis, Modelyze looked at the buy-out of Polenergia SA, a Polish independent power producer by a consortium of investors including Brookfield Renewable Partners L.P. and Mansa Investments. An extensive financial model of the firm, including integration of different deal terms, valuations, scenario and sensitivity analysis of an Emerging Market Power Producer are presented. All-inclusive revenue and cost schedules, analysis of historical operations and ratios are prepared and plotted. IRR and cash-on-cash returns are calculated upon exit, fairness of the offer price is further determined and recommendations are made. Click here to view the model and the analysis.
Indices, Commodities, Sectors, Best & Worst Performing Equities
March 2020 Update: In January 2020, Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) spread across the globe, severely impacting the world economy and stock markets. On March 8, 2019, Saudi Arabia embarked on an oil price war with Russia. Modelyze Investments conducted an overview of Year to Date (YTD) sectors, North American public equities, indices and commodities performance as of March 20th, 2020 in this comprehesive analysis. Click here to view the best and worst performing sectors and companies through this economic turmoil.